Unleash the power of Mass Gainer 1:5, an advanced formula meticulously designed to deliver a potent ratio of essential nutrients, aiding in rapid muscle development and strength enhancement.

Key Features:

  • Optimal Nutrient Ratio: Mass Gainer 1:5 boasts a unique formulation with a 1:5 ratio of carbohydrates to protein, offering a substantial calorie boost essential for fueling muscle growth and recovery.
  • High-Quality Protein Source: This supplement provides a blend of high-quality proteins, delivering a steady stream of amino acids critical for muscle repair, growth, and overall strength development.
  • Rapid Muscle Recovery: With its high protein content and optimal carbohydrate ratio, Mass Gainer 1:5 supports rapid post-workout muscle recovery, reducing fatigue and enhancing endurance.
  • Customizable Serving Options: The flexible serving sizes allow users to tailor their intake, ensuring the fulfillment of individual calorie and protein needs for effective muscle mass gain.
  • Enhanced Workout Performance: By providing a substantial source of energy, Mass Gainer 1:5 fuels intense workouts, helping individuals push their limits and achieve peak performance.

How to Use:

Consume Mass Gainer 1:5 post-workout or between meals as directed, utilizing its potent ratio of carbohydrates to protein to maximize muscle growth and recovery.

Experience the unparalleled muscle-building potential of Mass Gainer 1:5, your ultimate solution for accelerating muscle growth and achieving superior strength gains.

Keywords for SEO: Mass Gainer 1:5, Muscle Growth Supplement, High-Calorie Protein, Muscle Recovery Formula, Strength Gain Supplement.

RITS Mass gainer 1:5 each serving provides 889 kcal, 45 grams of protein, and 4 grams of dietary fibers to fulfill the dietary requirements for bodybuilders, regular gym-goers, and people seeking muscle development and recovery. It contains multivitamins and minerals to enhance the body’s workout performance and support the immune system.


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